
Unlimited private code, issue and wiki hosts.

Like James Bond:

Though we are not suited for each and every job,

put us in a situation for which we are prepared,

you will get your things done.

Why you should use Pubhg.

Github is not free, Bitbucket is not unlimited free. We are.


You must be a friend of us.
Otherwise you won't come here.
Come on! Be more supportive.


You chose Mercurial somehow.
And we just support it somehow.
Could be the only one in China.


If you are in edu domain.
You will find us faster than others.
Our server is in edu domain.

How to use Pubhg.

The only two things you need to know are mercurial and reStructuredText.
We use mercurial (hg) to host repositories, and we use reStructuredText to write wiki pages.


Work easier. Work faster.
Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool.


reStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system.